Update days are open to all previous Diploma students. This includes students who did not sit the exam, those who sat the exam and failed and those who sat the exam and passed.
Course overview
The purpose of the update day is to bring all practitioners who attended the TCM Gynaecology course in previous years up to date with the current curriculum of the course.
Each year the course is expanded with the latest research findings in both conventional and traditional medicine and new treatment approaches which we have integrated into our practice.
Attending the update day is optional for everyone except Associates listed on the The Women’s Natural Health Practice website. These practitioners must attend an update day at least once every two years to remain listed.
Next dates
Sunday, 3rd October 2021.
9.15am registration, 9.30am start, 5.00 pm finish.
Cost for the day is €299. Fees include course materials which are provided in pdf format. Printed copies are available at an additional cost.
Tel: +353 872536801